Letter in handwriting and signature of the Ga’on Rabbi Aharon Walkin to natives of Pinsk residing in New York. Pinsk, 2 Shvat [1930].
Heartfelt letter of request to “faraway members of our city who are close to our hearts” in appeal to support the Yeshiva in Pinsk in which over two hundred young men study “and although their spiritual sustenance is abundant… the Yeshiva students are direly lacking material needs and are nearly starving to death… it is painful to observe the dear students, studying Torah day and night, ...suffering from the pangs of poverty…”.
The Ga’on Rabbi Aharon Walkin (1865-1942, Otzar HaRabbanim 1548), among leading rabbinical authorities and teachers of Torah in Lithuania. Studied in Vizhnitz and was among prominent disciples of the Netziv. Later on he studied in Kollel of the Prushim in Kovno and was closely associated with Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor. Served in the rabbinate of communities of Gruzd, Siad and Amtzislav. During World War I was apprehended by the Russians and while in prison authored his composition Beit Aharon on tractate Bava Kamma. Miraculously escaped to Poland where he was appointed as rabbi of the city and Rosh Yeshiva in Pinsk-Karlin. Composed Beit Aharon, Choshen Aharon, Metzach Aharon and Zkan Aharon Responsa. Perished in the Holocaust.