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Rebbe Rebbe

student passed away and Rabbi Walkin kept his promise and prepared everything for his student’s burial and more.

He didn’t just teach and leave, but he constantly looked into his students’ needs. One of his great contributions with eternal reward was his advocacy for placement of his stu- dents’ children in main stream

yeshivot. Not only did he care for his students but he also cared about their children and their future.

His famous quote that I re- member was “You can say my Torah in your name, but don’t say your Torah in my name.”

We lost an irreplaceable giant
whose contributions can’t be
expressed in a short essay. He raised the spiritual level of the Bukharian community by producing Torah leaders who are continuing in the path of Torah and Mitzvot. May he be meilitz yosher and may all the zechuyot/merits that he ac- cumulated during his lifetime, destroy the harsh decrees of am yisrael. He will be sorely missed.

Rebbe Rebbe


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