Rebbe Rebbe
3-4am. He gave us EVERYTHING he had. When I realized he was barley sleeping and eating I tried to get him food so he's have energy. He stopped me because he felt it was a tir- cha (bother) for my wife to make the meal. I insisted but he asked please not to do it. He appreciated everything we did for him. He was always so thankful for everything.
The Rosh Yeshiva taught us so much besides just Halacha. One of the key lessons was Hakarat Hatov. It was so impor- tant to him for us to be grateful for what others did for us. He'd led by example by thanking the gentleman that brought in danishes for us daily. The Rosh Hayeshiva used to take home danishes for his kids so that if this man came in later he'd see that his time wasn't wasted. He cared about his talmidim in Lakewood and would ask if it was ok if he took some of the untouched food from our Kolel to Lake- wood for the Avreichim there. Even meal Meal Mart who we owe a lot of Hakarat Hatov for continuously sponsoring lunch for the yeshiva weekly got a call from the Rosh Yeshi- va about how thankful he was for the piece of fish they pro- vided for him.
Another huge lesson he taught us was honesty. It was so important to him to be honest. Everything we did had to be honest.
I was had the merit to help The Rosh Yeshiva with anything he needed. And he made efforts to make sure I was ok with helping him. I was very fortunate to have this privilege and its something I'll always remember. I remember getting calls