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Rebbe Rebbe
The Gemara in Rosh HaShana tells us that the passing of a Tzaddik is equal to the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash. However, Rashi in Yehoshua (29:14) states that the passing of a Tzaddik is twice as tragic. The Netziv writes that HaShem wants Klal Yisrael to be on a high spiritual level, and if they are
lacking in a par- ticular attribute, HaShem takes away a Tzaddik who exemplifies that Midda.
During my short-
lived relationship
with Rabbi Ahron
Walkin ztz”l, I was
Zocheh to have a firsthand experience to one of his many great Middot, the Middah of Ahavat Yisrael. When I was
Rebbe Rebbe
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