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Rebbe Rebbe

touched and spiritually connected from the sight of Rebbi, not understanding why he was crying.
To Rebbi this was an important mitzvah. It was like bringing a korban, that’s why he was crying, doing teshuva, hugging and kissing everyone. I had a friend that came from the Kol- lel to wish us a Mazal Tov. When witnessing this scene, he said he never saw anyone doing this mitzvah with so much emotion. He even received a kiss from Rav Walkin. He re- lated that he felt like Rebbi always knew him.

We arranged to bring Rebbi to Yeshiva Sha’arei Tzion to talk to the boys. When he walked into the Yeshiva, as soon as he saw the boys he started crying. I brought him to every grade.

When he walked into the first grade he started speaking to the boys on a first grade level. He got all the children in- volved and made sure to
say a good thing about

every boy. He always
practiced Lashon Tov.
One might think a great
Rav as him would not be
able to connect with first
graders. Rebbi was able
to connect to the chil-
dren so quickly, they lis-
tened to his words and
were just mesmerized by him. He was able to do the same with all the other grades, connect to them, bless them, and cry.

Rebbe Rebbe


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