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The Greatest Segulah - Amen Yehei Shmei Rabbah

Amen Yehei Shmei Rabbah

In our difficult times, with all the suffering people endure and the nisyonos we face, we are in desperate need of Hashem’s rachamim. One tremendous segula that has great power to draw rachamim upon us is answering "amen yehei shmei rabbah" with all our might, as taught in the Gemara (Brachos 3a).

People are always searching for segulos. This one is clear and straightforward—an authentic segula. The Zohar HaKadosh teaches that the most effective way to arouse Heavenly mercy is by reciting the words "amen yehei shmei rabbah". We, as Yidden, have the ability to move Hashem, so to speak. We are shown how to awaken His mercy.

The Creation of the World

Here is a question many have pondered at some point in their lives: Why? Why did Hashem create the world? What does He gain from its creation? The Ramban teaches that the purpose of Creation is for Klal Yisrael to praise Hashem. Which praise made the world worth creating? The Raishis Chochma brings down the phrase “b'rov am hadras Melech.” Rosh Hashana focuses on malchus—Hashem’s Kingship.

Often, after a group of people gather for a shiur, someone will recite Kaddish. The Gemara records in the name of R’ Yishmael that at that moment, Hashem gathers His malachim and says: "See My world! I created all of this. Why? Because they praise Me with the words 'amen yehei shmei rabbah'." This "amen yehei shmei rabbah", following a gathering of Yidden to hear words of Torah, is the most incredible honor we can give to Hashem.



  • Amen Yehei Shmei Rabbah as a Segula for Rachamim:

    • Gemara, Berachos 3a: The Gemara discusses the power of answering amen yehei shmei rabbah with full intent and force, saying that one who does so can annul even harsh decrees.

    • Zohar HaKadosh (Parshas Noach, 63b): The Zohar teaches that answering amen yehei shmei rabbah arouses Divine mercy (rachamim), being a powerful way to awaken compassion from the heavens.

  • Purpose of Creation: Praising Hashem:

    • Ramban, Commentary on Shemos 13:16: The Ramban explains that the purpose of Creation is that Klal Yisrael should come to praise Hashem and acknowledge His greatness.

  • B'rov Am Hadras Melech:

    • Raishis Chochma (Shaar HaYirah, Chapter 3): This work emphasizes the concept of "b'rov am hadras Melech"—in the presence of many, the King's honor is magnified—and connects this idea to communal prayer and the sanctification of Hashem’s name.

  • Hashem Gathers His Malachim to Hear Amen Yehei Shmei Rabbah:

    • Gemara, Berachos 57a: The Gemara states that Hashem gathers His malachim when He hears Klal Yisrael saying amen yehei shmei rabbah, and He takes pride in their praise.

    • Tosafos on Berachos 3a: Tosafos expand on the special connection between Kaddish, communal Torah study, and the recitation of amen yehei shmei rabbah as moments of extraordinary Divine favor.

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