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Content in this world Content in Heaven
The term "Noach" derives from the Hebrew word "menucha," a state of rest. This state of rest emanates from a sense of satisfaction or...

Content = Living With God
ACCORDING TO THE INTERPRETATION PROVIDED BY Targum Onkeles, the term "Tzadik Tomim" identifies Noach as a completely righteous person....

Why Noach Found Favor in God's Eyes
THE TORAH (GENESIS 6:7-8) CONVEYS THE NOTION THAT God chose to spare the world from annihilation because of Noach's favor in His eyes....

Seek What Is Missing
This passage from Genesis 2:21-23 discusses the creation of woman from man's rib, highlighting one rationale behind this choice, which is to

Hakaras Hatov for Your Wife
The passage explores the creation of the female in the Torah, specifically focusing on God's initial creation of Adam without a spouse and t

Pharaoh's Sins as a Lesson in Repentance
Parashas Bo The Rambam discusses the idea that a person who commits a great sin or many sins may not be allowed the chance to repent and...
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Mar 26, 20213 min read
What Type of Matzah can be Used
Q. May I use Matzos made from Whole wheat for the Pesach Seder? Q. May I use Matzos made from sources other than wheat, for example,...

Mar 25, 20216 min read
General Halachos Of Sefira
Q. I heard that one is allowed to chose which "Period of Sefira" he keeps [the first period with begins from Pesach concluding on Lag...

Mar 25, 20215 min read
Eating After the Afikomen
One may not eat or drink after eating the Afikomen, there is a requirement that the taste of the Afikomen matzo last in our mouths (see...

Feb 26, 202116 min read
Contemporary Halachos on Purim
HILCHOS PURIM DRESSING UP ON PURIM 1) Even though it’s not mentioned in Shulchan Aruch as a Halacha or an obligation, all children should...
Jun 7, 20204 min read
יור"ד הל 'מזוזה
שיעורי הראש ישיבה מורינו הרב אהרן וואלקין זצ"ל (שיעור לכולל- שנת תש"ע -יור"ד הל 'מזוזה) [שיעור קל"ט] א) עיי 'גמ 'שבת כ"ג ע"ב :הרגיל...
May 31, 20209 min read
Yeshiva Gedolah Beis Nosson Meir Lev Aaron Address of the Rosh Hayeshiva HaGaon HaRav Ahron Walkin ZT"L CONFERENCE FOR FUTURE...
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